Aaron Brower
Expert on educational innovations; competency-based education; college student success and transition to college; college drinking; college student learning; small-group
Executive Director & Senior Associate Vice President, UW System; Professor, social work. UW Extension School of Social Work Work: 608-262-6151 — Home and cell phones available upon request aaron.brower@uwex.wisconsin.edu Home page
- Innovations in College Education, Competency-based Education, College student success and transition to college
- High-risk or binge drinking in college
- Assessment and development of college student learning outcomes
- Creation of living-learning programs, learning communities and integrative learning environments
- Co-director, National Study of Living-Learning Programs
- UW-Madison Chancellor’s Award for Campus Impact, 2011
- Outstanding First-Year Student Advocate Award, from Houghton Mifflin and the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience, 2006
- UW-Madison Chancellor's Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2001
- Editor of the journal Small Group Research