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Anuj Desai

Expert on free speech/freedom of speech and communications/information technology law, and the role of courts, especially when interpreting statutes.

Volkman-Bascom Professor of Law Law School Work: 608-262-2240 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page


  • Legal issues related to free speech/freedom of speech, including pornography, obscenity, offensive speech, libel and defamation, privacy, and commercial advertising.
  • Legal issues related to free speech/freedom of speech in specific institutional contexts, such as academic freedom, speech on campus, and press freedom.
  • Legal issues related to changes in communications and information technology, including the Internet and social media.
  • Judicial decision-making involving the interpretation of statutes.


  • Served as an administrative appellate judge in the United States Department of Labor.
  • Served as a Senate-confirmed member of the Foreign Claims Settlement Commission, an independent, quasi-judicial federal agency that adjudicates claims of U.S. nationals against foreign governments.
  • Widely published, including in Stanford Law Review, Northwestern University Law Review, Law and Social Inquiry, and Federal Communications Law Journal.
