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Cecilia Ford

Cecilia Ford

Expert on sociolinguistics, specializing in conversation analysis, gender and language, and the uses of language in spoken interaction

Professor Emerita, English and sociology College of Letters and Science Work: 608-263-2706 Home page


  • Conversation analysis: how people improvise language, gestures and body position to communicate
  • Gender and language: documenting the experience of women in professional meetings in science and engineering, etc.
  • Combining the study of social organization with the study of language


  • UW-Madison Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award, 2005
  • Member, UW-Madison's Women in Science and Engineering Leadership Institute
  • Author, "Women Speaking Up: Getting and Using Turns in Workplace Meetings," Palgrave Macmillan, 2008
  • Editor, "Sound Patterns in Interaction: Cross-linguistic Studies of Phonetics and Prosody for Conversation," Benjamins, 2004
  • Editor, "The Language of Turn and Sequence," Oxford, 2002
