Chad McGehee
Expert on training mindfulness and meditation in a range of audiences.
Director of Meditation Training at UW Athletics College of Letters and Science Work: 815-762-0942 — Home and cell phones available upon request chad.mcgehee@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @McgeheeChad
- Creating and delivering meditation trainings in a culturally responsive ways to wide range of groups: Athletes, Law Enforcement, Teachers, Students and others.
- Demystifying and making practical the tools and insights of meditation.
- Representing the scientific insights and scientific questions of meditation research to non-scientific audiences.
- First person in the world to have the title of Director of Meditation Training in major sports.
- Published in both popular press and scientific journals.
- Years of experience in translational research; working at the intersection of applied trainings in real world contexts (schools, workplaces, athletic teams) inside of research studies.