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Christoph Mans

Christoph Mans

Expert in zoological and exotic animal medicine, with an emphasis on birds, reptiles, small mammals

Clinical Assistant Professor, Zoological Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine Work: 608-265-9727 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page


  • Avian medicine and surgery, sedation, anesthesia, diagnostic imaging, endoscopy, Including wild birds, raptors, passerines, zoo birds, psittacines and others.
  • Small mammal medicine, surgery, anesthesia, analgesia, dentistry and diagnostic imaging. Species including rabbits, rodents, hedgehogs, marsupials, and wild carnivores.
  • Reptile medicine and surgery, anesthesia and diagnostic imaging. Including turtles and tortoises, snakes, and lizards.
  • Zoological Medicine
