Corrine Voils
Expert on how we lose weight and keep it off; use genomic information to improve healthcare delivery; measure and improve medication adherence.
WARF Professor of Surgery School of Medicine and Public Health Work: 608-262-9636 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page Twitter: @VoilsCorrine
- People lose weight and gain it back. How can you keep off weight in the long term?
- Genomic testing is affordable and available. Does genetic risk information motivate people to change their behavior to reduce risk for developing chronic diseases?
- Half of people don’t take their medications as prescribed. Why don’t they, and what can we do about it?
- Inventor of Domains of Subjective Extent of Nonadherence self-report measure of medication nonadherence (licensed by Duke University)
- Author of over 160 publications in peer-reviewed journals, including Annals of Internal Medicine, Genetics in Medicine, Annals of Behavioral Medicine, and Medical Care
- Current/previous principal investigator of 9 lifestyle intervention studies