Donna Friedsam
Expert on health care financing, coverage, access, and cost; state Medicaid and CHIP programs
Distinguished Researcher; Health Policy Programs Director, Institute for Research on Poverty (IRP) College of Letters and Science Work: 608-265-9377 — Home and cell phones available upon request dafriedsam@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @@DonnaFriedsam
- Medicaid, BadgerCare, Affordable Care Act, and other safety net programs
- State health policy and health reform
- Health care access, financing, cost, coverage, and quality
- Implementation of federal health care reform
- Disparities in health status and health care utilization
- Lead evaluation of Wisconsin BadgerCare Plus (Medicaid/CHIP) program
- Former executive director, Wisconsin Primary Health Care Association
- Founded the Evidence-Based Health Policy Project and Covering Wisconsin