Doug Maynard
Using audio and video recordings, I study the practices of talk and interaction in legal, medical and other settings
Professor, sociology College of Letters and Science Work: 608-265-5583 — Home and cell phones available upon request maynard@ssc.wisc.edu Home page
- Doctor-patient interaction: the delivery of diagnostic bad and good news. Also expert in uses of small talk in the medical interview
- Disability: Interactions involving individuals with autism spectrum disorders. What is autistic intelligence?
- Legal settings: bargaining and negotiation. I have focused on plea bargaining but also have written a case study of real estate negotiations
- Requests for "altruistic" acts: participation in the survey interview, donation of tissue from family members of recently deceased persons
- Author, "Bad News, Good News: Conversational Order in Everyday Talk and Clinical Setting"; co-editor, "Communication in Medical Care: Interaction between Primary Care Physicians and Patients"
- Author, "Social Actions, Gestalt Coherence, and Designations of Disability: Lessons from and about Autism." Social Problems 52:499-529, 2005.
- Three departmental teaching awards
- Conway-Bascom Professor and chair of department