Erica Turner
Expert on educational policy, racism & inequality in education, school district policy making and implementation, socio-political and economic contexts of public schools
Associate Professor School of Education — Home and cell phones available upon request erica.turner@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @EricaOTurner1
- How school districts respond to inequality and demographic change, including: greater racial diversity, increasing poverty, and greater numbers of students from immigrant families.
- The racial politics of educational policy, especially how efforts intended to eliminate racial inequities come to reinforce them instead.
- The dark side of data use, including lack of use of data in decision-making and the negative repercussions (including cheating) of high stakes testing.
- Disconnects between formal education policy and practice in classrooms, schools and school districts.
- Author of "Suddenly Diverse: How School Districts Manage Race and Inequality" (University of Chicago Press, 2020)
- Teachers Education Policy and Practice, Urban School Policy, Community Participation in Education Policy, and Issues in Educational Policy Analysis
- Former middle school teacher.
- Author of "Equity Guide to Pandemic Schooling," for concerned families, educators, and communities who want to take action against inequity in pandemic schooling.