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Franciska Coleman

Franciska Coleman

Expert on free speech implications of cancel/consequence culture; constitutional implications of a minority-majority society; Fifteenth Amendment and political equality of racial minorities and the poor

Assistant Professor, Law School; Associate Director, East Asian Legal Studies Center Law School Work: 608-265-6266 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page Twitter: @EducatedCitizn


  • How to keep community (rather than government) control of speech norms while combatting the rise of cancel culture
  • How to increase democratic legitimacy of the state with respect to racial and religious minorities and the poor
  • Are changing demographics making a new constitution conventional more necessary


  • Teaches constitutional law
  • Election law commenter for CNBC and WPR.
  • Article on community dialogues around police violence featured on ALI adviser and also in SSRN top 10.
  • Presenter at Korean government's international roundtable on hate speech; featured speaker at Free Speech Week event hosted by Eisenhower Presidential Library
  • Presenter on constitutional law and free speech issues at numerous academic and professional conferences; author of several law review articles on these topics
