Janis Tupesis
Works in the fields of global emergency care and global emergency health systems, with a focus on post-graduate medical education programs.
Faculty, Emergency Medicine; Associate Director - UW Madison Global Health Institute School of Medicine and Public Health — Home and cell phones available upon request jtupesis@medicine.wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @janistupesis
- Global Emergency Care: focus on the development of programs that strengthen the care of acutely ill and injured patients worldwide.
- Emergency Health Systems Strengthening: work with governments, non-governmental organizations and global multi-lateral agencies to strengthen emergency care systems.
- Global Medical Education: help develop both educational resources and human resources for health (EM training programs) in low and middle-income countries.
- Board of Directors. Liaison and Oversight Officer. International Federation for Emergency Medicine.
- Chairperson. American College of Emergency Medicine. International Emergency Medicine Section.
- Health Expert. World Bank. Association of African Universities – Africa Centers of Excellence for Development Impact. Counties represented: Ghana, Nigeria, Guinea, Burkina Fasso.
- Chairperson, International Advisory Board. International Emergency Medicine Education Project, iEM. https://iem-student.org/.
- Director. Rosh Global Foundation. https://www.roshreview.com/global-foundation/