Jonathan Senchyne
Expert on the history of books, print, and paper in the United States, the materiality of communication.
Assistant professor, Library and Information Studies; Assoc. Director, Center for the History of Print & Digital Culture College of Letters and Science Work: 608-263-2900 — Home and cell phones available upon request senchyne@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @jsench
- Books, print, paper, and digital media. Paper books and e-books.
- American literature and culture before 1900. Colonial through nineteenth century.
- Uses of print and digital media by and for diverse populations including women, African Americans, and Native Americans.
- Archives and archival research.
- Associate Director, UW-Madison Center for the History of Print and Digital Culture
- National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow
- Fellow in Historic American Visual Culture, American Antiquarian Society