Leah Horowitz
Expert on grassroots, particularly Indigenous-led, engagements with industrial expansion.
Associate Professor of Environmental Studies Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies College of Letters and Science Work: 608-890-3803 lhorowitz@wisc.edu Home page
- Field sites: New Caledonia, New Jersey, the U.S. Midwest
- Relationships between different activist groups, e.g. Indigenous and non- Indigenous
- Climate change
- Intra-community conflict around environmental issues
- Environmental activism
- Co-edited, with Michael Watts of UC Berkeley, Grassroots Environmental Governance: Community Engagements with Industry (2017).
- Co-investigator, “Knowledge Network on Mining Encounters and Indigenous Sustainable Livelihoods: Cross-Perspectives from the Circumpolar North and Melanesia/Australia,” (SSHRC grant for $2,500,000; 2016-2022)