Lindsay Palmer
Former journalist, current professor of global media ethics. Focuses on the safety of journalists in the field.
Assistant Professor, School of Journalism and Mass Communication School of Journalism and Mass Communications Work: 608-709-6593 — Home and cell phones available upon request lindsay.palmer@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @LindsayPalmerUW
- Journalism Ethics
- International Journalism
- War reporting
- Author, forthcoming book on war reporting, entitled Surviving the Story: the Precarious Labor of Conflict Correspondence after 9/11 (University of Illinois Press, forthcoming 2017).
- Author, (2013) “iReporting an Uprising: CNN and Citizen Journalism in Network Culture,” Television and New Media
- Author, (2015) “Outsourcing Authority in the Digital Age: Television News Networks and Freelance War Correspondents,” Critical Studies in Media Communication, 32.4: 225-239.