Mary Beth Collins
Executive Director of the UW-Madison Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies. Experience as an Attorney, Nonprofit Professional, and Instructor.
Executive Director, UW-Madison Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies School of Human Ecology Work: 608-890-0472 — Home and cell phones available upon request mecollins@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @mbcwiscomiss36
- Nonprofits, Social Innovation; Philanthropy; Critical Theory on the Nonprofit or "Third" Sector, Trends in and Legal Aspects of the Sector
- University-Community Engagement and Collaboration with Local and Global Partners, Civic Engagement
- Preparing Future Change Agents for Roles and Careers in the Community, Nonprofit, and Civil Society Sectors
- The nonprofit, community, and civil society sectors, organizations, activities, and impacts in the COVID-19 Era
- "Civic Health of Wisconsin "-- the way that Wisconsin communities define and address public problems and opportunities, through various forms of civic participation and engagement.
- Leadership of the UW-Madison Center for Community and Nonprofit Studies
- Design and Delivery of a Series of Professional Skills Courses which prepare graduate students for work in the field
- Development and Leadership of local, Wisconsin-wide, and global partnerships and collaboration, leveraging University assets; the Wisconsin Idea.
- Presentation on a variety of "Third Sector" topics including social entrepreneurship, advocacy in the sector, top trends in the sector, legal foundations in the sector.
- Co-Author of the Civic Health of Wisconsin Report; leader in Civic Health of Wisconsin Initiative