Morgan Robertson
Expert on environmental policy, specifically wetland policy, ecosystem services, and market-based initiatives (e.g., water quality credit markets, wetland credit markets)
Associate professor, geography College of Letters and Science Work: 608-890-3815 — Home and cell phones available upon request mmrobertson@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @RobertsonMorgan
- Ecosystem Services policy
- Market-based environmental policy, especially wetland mitigation banking, species banking, and water quality trading
- Wetland mitigation and restoration policy under the Clean Water Act
- Author, "Discovering Price in All the Wrong Places," "Performing Environmental Governance," "The Work of Wetland Credit Markets".
- Recipient of $600K NSF Grant to examine how stream restoration criteria are established and used in real stream restorations.
- Staff-level co-author of the 2008 EPA/Army Wetland Compensation Rule