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Paul Hutson

Paul Hutson

Expert on cancer pain control, end-of-life symptom management, and experimental clinical studies on psychedelic medications.

Professor (CHS), pharmacy School of Pharmacy Work: 608-263-2496 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page


  • Clinical study design and implementation using psychedelic drugs (psilocybin) or MDMA.
  • Clinical protocol design; preparation of FDA Investigational New Drug applications; DEA, and Controlled Substances (Researcher) applications reporting.
  • Palliative care and the treatment of symptoms associated with cancer and non-cancer diseases, particularly end stage disease
  • Therapeutic use of opioid analgesics for chronic cancer pain management
  • Pharmacokinetic modeling: the use of computer programs to predict drug concentrations over time in individuals and populations


  • Paul Hutson is the Director of the UW Madison Transdisciplinary Center for Research in Psychoactive Substances based in the UW School of Pharmacy
  • Paul Hutson was the Principal Investigator for the safety trial of escalating doses of psilocybin performed at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
  • Paul Hutson holds an Investigational New Drug exemption for clinical use of psilocybin, as well as appropriate DEA and State authorizations for its use.
  • Paul Hutson performs population pharmacokinetic modeling of animal and human studies for UW researchers and as a consultant to the pharmaceutical industry.
