Paul Smith
Expert on literacy, health literacy and their impact on health and health care, and primary care practice-based research
Professor emeritus, family medicine School of Medicine and Public Health experts@uc.wisc.edu Home page
- Literacy, the ability to understand and convey information in written and oral form, is the strongest predictor of health status
- Health literacy, a combination of individual literacy skills, prior health knowledge and the communication skills of the health care providers and system
- Primary care practice-based research, conducted in the offices of pediatric, internal medicine and family physicians
- Sally Sunde Family Advocate Award for work with Wisconsin Literacy from Community Shares of Wisconsin, 2009
- Literacy Advocate of the Year, Wisconsin Literacy Council, 2008
- Principal investigator, "What are Important Health Issues for Low Literate Adults? A Focus Group Evaluation of Health Literacy Issues"
- Principal investigator, "Improving the Health Literacy Environment of Wisconsin Hospitals — A Collaborative Model," American Academy of Family Physicians