R. Alta Charo
Expert on regulation and ethics of scientific and medical innovation, including genetics, synthetic biology, stem cell biology and reproductive technologies
Emerita professor, law and bioethics Law School Work: 608-262-5015 — Home and cell phones available upon request alta.charo@wisc.edu Home page
- Bioethics, including doctor-patient relationship, genetic screening, organ donation, euthanasia
- Reproductive rights and reproductive technologies, including family planning, surrogacy, IVF, abortion, and genetic screening (preconception, preimplantation and prenatal)
- Stem cell biology and regenerative medicine, funding and policy of stem cells (embryonic; iPS and adult), regulation of cell-based therapy
- FDA and regulation of drugs, devices and biologics, drug safety/efficacy, personalized medicine, non-organ tissue transplantation, human cell therapy
- Regulation of human subjects research, including domestic and transnational management of clinical trials
- Elected member, National Academies Institute of Medicine
- Member, President Clinton's National Bioethics Advisory Commission 1996-2001
- Co-chair, National Academies Committee on Guidelines for Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research
- Elected fellow, Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters