Russell Coff
Expert on business strategy, human capital, competitive advantage, innovation and strategic investments.
Thomas J. Falk Distinguished Chair in Business Wisconsin School of Business Work: 608-263-6437 — Home and cell phones available upon request rcoff@bus.wisc.edu Home page
- Research explores the role of human assets in innovation, creativity, and, ultimately, in competitive advantage by studying management dilemmas associated with human capital
- Business strategy problems such as how to create a competitive advantage and manage stakeholders
- Human capital and the challenges inherent in creativity, innovation and the management of knowledge
- Mergers, acquisitions and strategic alliances between firms.
- Chaired the Business Policy and Strategic Division of the Academy of Management and the Strategic Human Capital Interest Group of the Strategic Management Society
- Past President, Strategic Management Society
- Editorial board member: Strategic Management Journal, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, and Organization Science