Tiffany Green
Expert in the causes and consequences of racial/ethnic disparities in reproductive health
Associate Professor, Departments of Population Health Sciences and Obstetrics and Gynecology School of Medicine and Public Health experts@uc.wisc.edu Twitter: @Tiffany_L_Green
- Determinants of racial/ethnic and nativity disparities in reproductive healthcare access and outcomes, including maternal and child health
- Equity implications of health and other policies
- Racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in COVID-19
- Discrimination and health outcomes
- UW-Madison School of Medicine and Public Health Centennial Scholar
- Awarded the 2020 LaBelle Lectureship in Health Services Research from McMaster University
- Research Fellow, Temple Center for Public Health Law Research, 2020
- Office of the Governor of Virginia Maggie Award, Future Female Innovator (Mentor), 2019