Tuncer Edil
Expert on geotechnical and geoenvironmental engineering
Professor, geological, civil and environmental engineering; research director, Recycled Material Resource Center College of Letters and Science College of Engineering Work: 608-262-3225 — Home and cell phones available upon request edil@engr.wisc.edu Home page
- Green construction with recycled materials in construction (recycled pavement materials, recycled scrap tires, coal combustion products, recycled foundry sands, recycled asphalt shingles)
- Construction over soft ground (settlement analysis, peat and organic soils, deep mixing, staged construction with prefabricated vertical drains)
- Solid waste disposal and landfills (waste settlement in landfills, clay and geosynthetic landfill liners, volatile organic compound transport through liners)
- Slope stability and landslides (coastal erosion, coastal bluff stability, waste landfill slope stability)
- Geo materials property and behavior (peats and organic soils, clays, sands, crushed rock, recycled aggregates, geosynthetics, municipal solid waste, fly ash)
- Fellow, American Society of Civil Engineers; member, American Society of Materials and Testing; Transportation Research Board
- Past editor in chief, Journal of Geotechnical Engineering; editor in chief, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering Journal; author, more than 300 technical articles
- U.S. Universities Council on Geotechnical Education and Research, distinguished researcher, 2008, Republic of Turkey, Scientific and Technological Research Council, Special Science Award, 2007