Tyrone Greive
Violinist with expertise in music performance, teaching, pedagogy and repertoire, with special emphasis on Polish music
Professor, music School of Music Work: 608-263-1921 — Home and cell phones available upon request tdgreive@wisc.edu Home page
- Concertmaster role in orchestral playing
- Violin tradition in Poland, both overall and within given historical periods, including repertoire, players and instruments
- Polish violin music and how it reflects Polish culture and history
- Special topics in general violin history, repertoire and pedagogy
- Presentation of many solo, chamber and orchestral concerts throughout the state and the country
- Served 20 seasons as concertmaster of the Madison Symphony Orchestra
- Wilk Prize for Research in Polish Music, Polish Music Center (University of Southern California), 1997
- Publication of many articles, performance editions and recordings
- Member, Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America