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Yang Bai

Yang Bai

Theoretical particle physics including dark matter, cosmic rays, black hole, gravitational wave and early universe physics.

Professor, physics College of Letters and Science Work: 608-265-3242 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page


  • Theoretical particle physics: look for new physics at a microscopic scale of 20 orders of magnitude below an average person's height
  • Dark matter: understand what dark matter is and how it interacts with our ordinary matter; provide theoretical explanations for dark matter experimental results
  • Supersymmetry and extra dimension: look for new symmetries and additional space-like extra dimensions at colliders including the Large Hadron Collider
  • Tests of fundamental symmetries: time-reversal symmetry and its connection to the baryon anti-baryon asymmetry in our universe


  • Author, more than 100 scientific articles on theoretical particle physics
  • Presented more than 100 talks
