Julia Murray
Scholar of Chinese pictorial art in historical & cultural contexts, particularly as related to Confucian ideology
Professor emerita, art history, E. Asian studies, & religious studies College of Letters and Science Work: 608-263-2340 — Home and cell phones available upon request jmurray@wisc.edu Home page
- Chinese art, archaeology, history, culture
- representations and appropriations of Confucius
- narrative illustration in East Asian art
- Co-curator & catalog author CONFUCIUS: His Life and Legacy in Art (exhibition of works from China) China Institute Gallery, New York (to 6/13/10)
- Author, "Mirror of Morality: Chinese Narrative Illustration and Confucian Ideology," University of Hawai'i Press, 2007
- Curator of exhibition "The Hall of Self Reliance: Chinese Painting & Calligraphy from the Simon & Rosemary Chen Collection," Chazen Museum, 2007