Paul Williams
Use of special plants as teaching vehicles in school and college, and in plants for research.
Professor emeritus, plant pathology; director, Wisconsin Fast Plants Program and Rapid Cycling Brassica Collection College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Work: 608-274-0267 — Home and cell phones available upon request phwillia@wisc.edu Home page
- Directs Wisconsin Fast Plants Program, which develops and distributes rapid cycling brassica plants as classroom-friendly organisms supporting hands-on, inquiry-based science education
- The Fast Plant Program also provides expertise in science teacher and educator professional development, through consultation, workshops and Internet
- The Rapid Cycling Brassica Collection creates and distributes seeds for fast-growing brassica species for use in research and education
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science; fellow, ex-president, American Phytopathological Society; member, National Science Teachers Association; member, American Society of Plant Biologists
- Major contributor to educational manuals: "Exploring With Wisconsin Fast Plants," "Spiraling Through Life with Fast Plants," "Bottle Biology" (in four languages)
- Guggenheim Fellow, Cambridge, U.K., 1978; Erikkson Medal, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences; UW-Madison, Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award, 1990 and Atwood Distinguished Professor, 1995