Sanjay Limaye
Solar system exploration, atmospheres of planets, weather on planets
Distinguished Scientist, Space Science and Engineering Center College of Letters and Science Work: 608-262-9541 — Home and cell phones available upon request sslimaye@wisc.edu Home page
- Solar system planets with atmospheres: Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
- Global warming and climate change
- Authored or co-authored more than 80 papers on planetary research in peer reviewed journals. Mentored over two dozen students high school seniors to Master's degree candidates
- President, International Commission on Planetary Atmospheres and Evolution, International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (IAMAS), International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics (IUGG)
- Chair, Venus Exploration Analysis Group (NASA), Appointed by Associate Administrator, NASA (www.lpi.usra.edu/vexag) 2010-2012 Co?Chair, Venus Gravity Assist Science Opportunities Panel (NASA/SMD? Heliophysics and Planetary Science Divisions)
- NASA Participating Scientist, Venus Climate Orbiter (Akatsuki), JAXA in Residence at ISAS/JAXA. NASA Participating Scientist, European Space Agency’s Venus Express Mission
- Press officer, Division for Planetary Sciences, American Astronomical Society (2005-2010) Visiting Scientist at schools in Wisconsin, US and Austria, India and Poland for presentations