Charo D'Etcheverry
Specialist in pre-modern Japanese literature and culture
Professor, Asian Languages & Cultures; faculty director, Nihongo Hausu (Japanese language floor) College of Letters and Science — Home and cell phones available upon request cdetcheverry@wisc.edu Home page
- Court culture, poetry and fiction (e.g., "The Tale of Genji") (9th-12th centuries), reception of same, esp. The Tale of Sagoromo (12th–16th c.)
- Medieval tale fiction and theater (Noh) (13th-16th centuries)
- Edo period theater (kabuki and puppets) as literature (17th and 18th centuries)
- Author, "Celebrating Sorrow: The Tale of Sagoromo Across Time and Texts" (Cornell University Press, forthcoming)
- Co-organizer, "Supernatural Presences in East Asian Culture" lecture, film and book group series at UW-Madison, 2009-10
- Author, "Love After The Tale of Genji," Harvard University Asia Center, 2007