Tag arts/humanities

James Leary
Professor emeritus, folklore and Scandinavian studies
Expert on the folklore/culture of diverse peoples in Wisconsin and the Upper Midwest

Harry Brighouse
Professor, philosophy; affiliate professor, educational policy studies
Political and moral philosopher with expertise on education and family policy

Andrew Stevens
Curator of prints emeritus, drawings and photographs, Chazen Museum of Art
Expert on connoisseurship and history of prints

Christopher Kleinhenz
Professor emeritus, French and Italian
Expert on medieval Italian literature/culture and the Italian language.

Joseph Salmons
Professor, German; director, Center for the Study of Upper Midwestern Cultures
Language and immigration, German in North America, languages of Wisconsin, American dialects, historical linguistics

Finn Enke
Professor, history; gender and women's studies, LGBTQ studies
History of gender and sexuality in 19th-20th centuries, transgender studies, social movements and activism

Jonathan Kenoyer
Professor, anthropology; director, Center for South Asia
Indus civilization, archaeology/anthropology of South Asia (India, Pakistan, etc), ancient technology and trade, kendo, martial arts, gender, GLBT

Michael Schatzberg
Professor, political science
Expert on African politics, African international relations and comparative political culture

Myra Marx Ferree
Professor emeritus, sociology
Comparative studies of gender and politics, especially European and American feminist movements

Stephen Kantrowitz
Professor, history; affiliated faculty, American Indian Studies
Expert on 19th-century U.S. politics, slavery, reconstruction and white supremacy

Scott Straus
Professor, political science, international studies
Expert on African politics, genocide, human rights and civil war

James Danky
Faculty associate, journalism and mass communication
Expert on alternative press in America, comics and the African American press. Founded and directed the Print Culture Center

Elliott Sober
Professor, philosophy; affiliate professor, educational policy studies
Philosophy of science, particularly concerning evolutionary biology and probability

Simone Schweber
Professor, education and Jewish studies
Expert on teaching and learning about the Holocaust and genocide

Joseph Koykkar
Professor, music; music director, dance
Expert in music composition, music technology, and music for dance, film and media

Ahna Skop
Professor of Genetics
Expert on cell division in animal cells, characterized the midbody (new organelle), uses scientific art for outreach, coloring book author, social media and science engagement

Jonathan Gray
Professor, media and cultural studies, communication arts
Expert on contemporary television, audiences, comedy and convergence