Tag bioenergy/biofuels

Timothy Donohue
Professor, bacteriology; director, Wisconsin Energy Institute
Expert on biofuels and bio-based renewable energy technologies

Douglas Reinemann
Professor and CALS Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension
Expert on rural energy, energy sustainability (renewable and bio-energy), milking, stray voltage

Randall Jackson
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Expert on community and ecosystem ecology in grasslands managed for grazing and/or prairie

Chris Kucharik
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment
Expert on agroecosystems, agroclimatology, soil carbon sequestration, ecological modeling, water resources, climate change, and extreme weather

Natalia de Leon
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences, Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment
Expert on plant breeding and quantitative genetics

Scott Sanford
Senior outreach specialist, biological systems engineering
Expert on energy conservation for agricultural enterprises, renewable energy, biomass energy

Richard Amasino
Professor, biochemistry; member, Genome Center of Wisconsin
Expert in plant biochemistry, bioenergy, regulation of flowering, and genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Patrick Walsh
Professor emeritus, biological systems engineering
Attorney and engineer with expertise in energy and environmental policy

Matt Ruark
Assistant professor, soil science
Expert in agricultural nutrient recommendations, nitrogen and phosphorus losses

Richard Shaten
Emeritus - Nelson Institute
Expert on the economic and environmental impact of energy systems

Shawn Kaeppler
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences
Expert in maize, corn, genetics, biofuel, epigenetics, plant breeding, plant biotechnology, transgenic plants, crops for underdeveloped countries, plant roots

Troy Runge
Associate professor, biological systems engineering
Expert on biomass composition impact on thermochemical processing systems

Garret Suen
Assistant professor, bacteriology
Expert in genomics, next-generation sequencing, bioinformatics, functional genomics, metagenomics, microbiology, rumen microbiology, systems biology, biofuels, microbial ecology, evolutionary ecology

Chris Hittinger
Assistant professor, genetics
Expert on the evolution of yeast carbon metabolism, evolutionary genomics/genetics, molecular evolution, phylogenetics, population genetics, evolutionary systems biology

Hiroshi Maeda
Assistant professor, botany
Plant biochemistry and physiology, amino acid biosynthesis in plants

Holly Gibbs
Professor, the Department of Geography and the Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Holly Gibbs is an expert on tropical deforestation, with a focus on the potential for corporate promises to end deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon rainforest.

Thomas Jeffries
USDA professor, microbiology
Expert on bioconversion, biorefining, advanced cellulosic biofuels, unconventional yeasts, yeast physiology, metabolic engineering and bioprocess engineering
Ophelia Venturelli
Expert on microbial engineering, microbial metabolism and microbial interactions in the human gut microbiome

Tyler Lark
Researcher, Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment
Expert on U.S. agricultural land use, conservation, and federal policy