Tag climate change/global warming

Michael Notaro
Director and Scientist III, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research
Expertise: regional climate modeling, climate education, Great Lakes climate change, land-atmosphere interactions, lake-effect snow, ecological impacts of climate change, dust storms
Adrian Treves
Professor of environmental studies
Open Science, coexistence between people and wildlife worldwide, especially wolves, bears and big cats. Constitutional and public trust protections for the environment.

Dominique Brossard
Professor and Chair, Department of Life Sciences Communication
Expert on media, science and policy; science and social media; public understanding of science; risk communication; science and fake news

Tracey Holloway
Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences
Expert on air pollution, energy and environment, air quality and public health, and science careers
Stanley Temple
Professor emeritus, forest and wildlife ecology, environmental studies
Expert on birds, wildlife, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biodiversity, conservation biology, ecology and Aldo Leopold

Grant Petty
Professor, atmospheric science
Expert on satellite remote sensing of the atmosphere and atmospheric radiative transfer

Jonathan Martin
Professor, atmospheric and oceanic sciences
Expert on mid-latitude weather systems: snowstorms, severe thunderstorms, can comment on climate change and global warming

John (Jack) Williams
Professor, geography
Expert on global warming and ecological responses to climate change, past and future
Christopher Velden
Senior researcher, Space Science and Engineering Center
Expert on hurricane research, and environmental satellite techniques/applications to tropical cyclones

Kenneth Potter
Professor emeritus, civil and environmental engineering
Expert on flooding and storm water management

Richard Lindroth
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor Emeritus, Dept. Entomology
Expertise in ecological effects of climate change, insect pests of deciduous forests, general ecology, science denialism and science communication.

Chris Kucharik
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment
Expert on agroecosystems, agroclimatology, soil carbon sequestration, ecological modeling, water resources, climate change, and extreme weather

Carol Lee
Professor, Integrative Biology
Research focuses on evolutionary and physiological mechanisms that enable organisms to invade new environments or respond to climate change
John Magnuson
Professor emeritus, zoology and limnology
Aquatic ecologist and limnologist, trained in fish and fisheries ecology, taught ecology of fishes and limnology

Steve Ackerman
Professor, atmospheric and oceanic sciences; director, Cooperative Institute for Meteorological Satellite Studies
Expert on satellite meteorology and climatology, weather, atmospheric optics

Tom Eggert
Emeritus, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies; Founder, Wisconsin Sustainable Business Council
Expert on sustainability, corporate responsibility and socially responsible investing. Also UN Sustainable Development goals, sustainability reporting and microfinance.

James LaGro Jr.
Professor, urban and regional planning, Gaylord Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Expert on urban planning and design, land use policy, and sustainably built environments

David Hart
Senior Scientst, UW Sea Grant Institute
Expert on geospatial technologies, coastal management, and urban and regional planning