David Hart
Expert on geospatial technologies, coastal management, and urban and regional planning
Senior Scientst, UW Sea Grant Institute College of Letters and Science Work: 608-262-6515 dahart@wisc.edu Home page Twitter: @DHartUW
- Geospatial technologies (land information systems, mapping mashups, Web mapping, interoperability, planning support systems, spatial data policy)
- Great Lakes issues (high water levels, sustainable coastal development, coastal hazards, coastal heritage tourism)
- New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina (city planning, subsidence, GIS)
- Wisconsin Coastal Atlas (http://wicoastalatlas.net/)provides provide access to maps, data, and tools to support decision-making about the Great Lakes.
- Member, Wisconsin Land Information Association
- Member, American Planning Association & American Institute of Certified Planners
- Working Groups Council, Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Changes Impacts
- Wisconsin Geotools Project (http://maps.aqua.wisc.edu/geotools/), technologies that allow coastal communities to create place-based stories around coastal and environmental topics
- Wisconsin Coastal Guide (http://www.wisconsincoastalguide.org/), promotes coastal heritage tourism along the Great Lakes Circle Tour