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Michael Notaro

Michael Notaro

Director and Scientist III, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research

Expertise: regional climate modeling, climate education, Great Lakes climate change, land-atmosphere interactions, lake-effect snow, ecological impacts of climate change, dust storms

Joy Zedler

Joy Zedler

Professor Emerita, botany

Expert on wetland restoration and ecology, reestablishment of native plants, and the interaction of native and exotic species

Adrian Treves

Adrian Treves

Professor of environmental studies

Open Science, coexistence between people and wildlife worldwide, especially wolves, bears and big cats. Constitutional and public trust protections for the environment.

Vicki Bier

Vicki Bier

Professor, industrial and systems engineering; director, Center for Human Performance and Risk Analysis

Expert on risk analysis and decision analysis, as applied to nuclear power safety, homeland security and critical-infrastructure protection

Dominique Brossard

Dominique Brossard

Professor and Chair, Department of Life Sciences Communication

Expert on media, science and policy; science and social media; public understanding of science; risk communication; science and fake news

Steve Carpenter

Steve Carpenter

Professor emeritus, limnology

Expert on freshwater resources and ecosystem services

William Cronon

William Cronon

Professor emeritus, history, geography, environmental studies

Expert on history of environment, conservation and environmentalism, U.S. West, public lands

Timothy  Van Deelen

Timothy Van Deelen

Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology

Expert in conservation and management of large mammals and mammal communities in the Great Lakes region (e.g., deer, wolves and black bears).

Lisa Naughton

Lisa Naughton

Professor, Geography

Expert on biodiversity conservation, land use and protected areas in tropics, protecting rain forests to slow climate change

Tracey Holloway

Tracey Holloway

Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies and Department of Atmospheric & Oceanic Sciences

Expert on air pollution, energy and environment, air quality and public health, and science careers

Susan Paskewitz

Susan Paskewitz

Professor, entomology

Expert on biology and control of insects that transmit human and animal diseases, including malaria, West Nile virus, Lyme disease

Stanley Temple

Stanley Temple

Professor emeritus, forest and wildlife ecology, environmental studies

Expert on birds, wildlife, endangered species, wildlife conservation, biodiversity, conservation biology, ecology and Aldo Leopold

Grant Petty

Grant Petty

Professor, atmospheric science

Expert on satellite remote sensing of the atmosphere and atmospheric radiative transfer

Jonathan Martin

Jonathan Martin

Professor, atmospheric and oceanic sciences

Expert on mid-latitude weather systems: snowstorms, severe thunderstorms, can comment on climate change and global warming

Clifford Thurber

Clifford Thurber

Professor emeritus, geoscience

Expert on earthquakes and fault zones; volcanoes; and seismic monitoring of nuclear explosions

Pao Wang

Pao Wang

Professor emeritus, atmospheric and oceanic sciences

Expert in atmospheric physics

Bret Shaw

Bret Shaw

Professor, Life Sciences Communication; Environmental Communication Specialist, Division of Extension

Expert on social marketing and communication related to environmental campaigns, eHealth for disease management

Kurt Sladky

Kurt Sladky

Clinical professor and section head, zoological medicine, surgical sciences

Expert in zoological medicine (zoo animals, wildlife and non-domestic pets) and conservation medicine (ecosystem and global health)

John (Jack) Williams

John (Jack) Williams

Professor, geography

Expert on global warming and ecological responses to climate change, past and future

Christopher Velden

Christopher Velden

Senior researcher, Space Science and Engineering Center

Expert on hurricane research, and environmental satellite techniques/applications to tropical cyclones

Peter (Pete) Nowak

Peter (Pete) Nowak

Professor emeritus, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

Expert in the complex relations between Wisconsin agriculture and soil and water resources

Timothy Donohue

Timothy Donohue

Professor, bacteriology; director, Wisconsin Energy Institute

Expert on biofuels and bio-based renewable energy technologies

Kenneth Potter

Kenneth Potter

Professor emeritus, civil and environmental engineering

Expert on flooding and storm water management

Paul Wilson

Paul Wilson

Professor, engineering physics; Chair, Energy Analysis and Policy Graduate Certificate

Expert on sustainable nuclear energy, energy policy, radiation transport in nuclear systems

Anna Pidgeon

Anna Pidgeon

Professor, forest and wildlife ecology

Expert on avian ecology, conservation and Wisconsin wildlife

Douglas Reinemann

Douglas Reinemann

Professor and CALS Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension

Expert on rural energy, energy sustainability (renewable and bio-energy), milking, stray voltage

Richard Lindroth

Richard Lindroth

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Dept. Entomology

Expertise in ecological effects of climate change, insect pests of deciduous forests, general ecology

Paul Zedler

Paul Zedler

Professor, environmental studies

Pure and applied plant community and population ecology and related environmental topics

Jake  Vander Zanden

Jake Vander Zanden

Associate professor, zoology, Center for Limnology

Aquatic ecologist, limnologist, conservation biologist

Michael Corradini

Michael Corradini

Professor, engineering physics; chair, Energy Institute

Nuclear engineer with research interests focused on thermal hydraulics and multiphase flow for nuclear safety

Randall Jackson

Randall Jackson

Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

Expert on community and ecosystem ecology in grasslands managed for grazing and/or prairie

Chris Kucharik

Chris Kucharik

Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment

Expert on agroecosystems, agroclimatology, soil carbon sequestration, ecological modeling, water resources, climate change, and extreme weather

David Mickelson

David Mickelson

Emeritus professor, geology and geophysics

Expert on glacial deposits and shoreline processes

Claudio Gratton

Claudio Gratton

Associate professor, entomology

Expert on arthropod food web ecology at the landscape scale

Carol Lee

Carol Lee

Professor, Integrative Biology

Research focuses on evolutionary and physiological mechanisms that enable organisms to invade new environments or respond to climate change

Pupa Gilbert

Pupa Gilbert

Professor, physics

Expert on biomineralization, color, spectromicroscopy, soft-x-rays, physics in the arts

Phillip Pellitteri

Phillip Pellitteri

Faculty associate, entomology

Expert in insect identification and insect and tick biology

Brent McCown

Brent McCown

Professor, horticulture; associated faculty, Nelson Institute and Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems

Propagation, breeding, growth and production of woody perennial horticultural crops including fruits and ornamentals (shrubs and trees)

Warren Porter

Warren Porter

Professor, zoology

Expert on climate change effects on animals, subtle biological effects of pesticides and early detection of infection

John Magnuson

John Magnuson

Professor emeritus, zoology and limnology

Aquatic ecologist and limnologist, trained in fish and fisheries ecology, taught ecology of fishes and limnology