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Kenneth Potter

Kenneth Potter

Professor emeritus, civil and environmental engineering

Expert on flooding and storm water management

Paul Wilson

Paul Wilson

Professor, engineering physics; Chair, Energy Analysis and Policy Graduate Certificate

Expert on sustainable nuclear energy, energy policy, radiation transport in nuclear systems

Anna Pidgeon

Anna Pidgeon

Professor, forest and wildlife ecology

Expert on avian ecology, conservation and Wisconsin wildlife

Douglas Reinemann

Douglas Reinemann

Professor and CALS Associate Dean for Outreach and Extension

Expert on rural energy, energy sustainability (renewable and bio-energy), milking, stray voltage

Richard Lindroth

Richard Lindroth

Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Dept. Entomology

Expertise in ecological effects of climate change, insect pests of deciduous forests, general ecology

Paul Zedler

Paul Zedler

Professor, environmental studies

Pure and applied plant community and population ecology and related environmental topics

Jake  Vander Zanden

Jake Vander Zanden

Associate professor, zoology, Center for Limnology

Aquatic ecologist, limnologist, conservation biologist

Michael Corradini

Michael Corradini

Professor, engineering physics; chair, Energy Institute

Nuclear engineer with research interests focused on thermal hydraulics and multiphase flow for nuclear safety

Randall Jackson

Randall Jackson

Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies

Expert on community and ecosystem ecology in grasslands managed for grazing and/or prairie

Chris Kucharik

Chris Kucharik

Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment

Expert on agroecosystems, agroclimatology, soil carbon sequestration, ecological modeling, water resources, climate change, and extreme weather

David Mickelson

David Mickelson

Emeritus professor, geology and geophysics

Expert on glacial deposits and shoreline processes

Claudio Gratton

Claudio Gratton

Professor of entomology

Expert on arthropod food web ecology at the landscape scale

Carol Lee

Carol Lee

Professor, Integrative Biology

Research focuses on evolutionary and physiological mechanisms that enable organisms to invade new environments or respond to climate change

Pupa Gilbert

Pupa Gilbert

Professor, physics

Expert on biomineralization, color, spectromicroscopy, soft-x-rays, physics in the arts

Phillip Pellitteri

Phillip Pellitteri

Faculty associate, entomology

Expert in insect identification and insect and tick biology

Brent McCown

Brent McCown

Professor emeritus, horticulture; associated faculty, Nelson Institute and Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems

Propagation, breeding, growth and production of woody perennial horticultural crops including fruits and ornamentals (shrubs and trees)

Warren Porter

Warren Porter

Professor, zoology

Expert on climate change effects on animals, subtle biological effects of pesticides and early detection of infection

John Magnuson

John Magnuson

Professor emeritus, zoology and limnology

Aquatic ecologist and limnologist, trained in fish and fisheries ecology, taught ecology of fishes and limnology

Patrick Eagan

Patrick Eagan

Professor, engineering professional development, Fellow Office of sustainability,Chair Environment and Resources Program

Conceives, plans, conducts, evaluates professional education programs and conducts research on industrial/municipal environmental engineering, design, management and water resources

Samuel Dennis Jr.

Samuel Dennis Jr.

Associate professor, landscape architecture

Expert on landscape architecture, community design, children's environments, nature play, and the built environment and health