Tag popular culture

Marie-Louise Mares
Professor, communication arts
Expert on children and media, pro-social/educational TV, media use among older adults

Ed Churchwell
Professor emeritus, astronomy
Expert on star formation, infrared and radio astronomy, issues of extraterrestrial life

Michael Schatzberg
Professor, political science
Expert on African politics, African international relations and comparative political culture

James Danky
Faculty associate, journalism and mass communication
Expert on alternative press in America, comics and the African American press. Founded and directed the Print Culture Center

Jonathan Gray
Professor, media and cultural studies, communication arts
Expert on contemporary television, audiences, comedy and convergence

Adam L. Kern
Professor of Japanese Literature and Visual Culture, Department of Asian Languages & Culture
Specializing in Japanese literature, visual culture, and popular culture, particularly manga (Japanese-styled comics) and haiku.

Jeff Smith
Professor, communication arts
Expert on postwar American cinema, music in film and the Hollywood blacklist

Anja Wanner
Professor, English
Expert on the English language (grammar, standards, genres, academic writing, spelling, language change, language use on the Internet, "Grammar Badgers" website)

Mary Layoun
Emerita Professor, Comparative Literature
Comparative study of modern cultures, literature and politics of Greece, Cyprus, the Middle East, Japan, U.S.

Derek Johnson
Assistant professor, communication arts
Expert on media industries, creative collaboration, and the production of popular culture

Brigitte Fielder
Associate Professor
Expert in nineteenth-century US literature, early African American literature; children's literature; race, gender, and sexuality studies.

Lori Lopez
Professor, communication arts; Director, Asian American Studies Program
Expert within media studies on race/ethnicity and activism

Jenell Johnson
Assistant professor, communication arts; faculty affiliate, Holtz Center for Science and Technology Studies
Expert on the rhetoric of science, medicine, disability, and the "neuroscientific turn."

Jeremy Morris
Assistant professor, media and cultural studies, communication arts
Expert on the current state of the music industry, digital music technologies, music and the Internet

Emily Callaci
Assistant professor, history
Historian of East Africa in the twentieth century, with a research focus on rural-urban migration.

Dorothea Salo
Distinguished Teaching Faculty III, Information School
Expert on personal privacy and security online, online surveillance, information and media literacy (including "fake news"), data ethics, publishing industries, libraries, censorship and book banning.

Matthew Hora
Associate Professor, Adult & Higher Education; Director, Center for Research College-Workforce Transitions
Expert on college-workforce transitions, with focus on internships, "soft" or "21st century skills," and postsecondary teaching from a cultural, historical and learning sciences perspective.

Sarah Marty
Director, Bolz Center for Arts Administration
Arts entrepreneur, arts management educator, performing arts professional, nonprofit arts and cultural leadership, production manager for campus and community events

Vlad Dima
Assistant Professor, French & Italian Department
Expert on West African, French, and Hollywood cinemas.

Thomas (Tom) O'Guinn
Professor emeritus, marketing
Expert on branding, consumer behavior, advertising, social class and consumption, and institutional responses by marketers to social disruption such as wars, recessions, oil spills,