Chris Kucharik
Expert on agroecosystems, agroclimatology, soil carbon sequestration, ecological modeling, water resources, climate change, and extreme weather
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies Work: 608-890-3021 — Home and cell phones available upon request kucharik@wisc.edu Home page
- Agricultural land use and impacts on water quality and quantity
- Carbon sequestration from improved land management and prairie restoration
- Numerical modeling of natural and managed ecosystems
- Impacts of climate change and variability on Midwest agriculture
- Bioenergy and sustainability, ecosystem services
- Named Badger Bioneer by Sustain Dane, 2013
- Principal investigator - NSF funded project "Water Sustainability and Climate in the Yahara River Watershed"
- Science council member, Wisconsin Initiative on Climate Change Impacts (WICCI)
- Member, Wisconsin Governor's Task Force on Global Warming, subcommittee on agriculture and forestry