Tag ecology

Michael Notaro
Director and Scientist III, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research
Expertise: regional climate modeling, climate education, Great Lakes climate change, land-atmosphere interactions, lake-effect snow, ecological impacts of climate change, dust storms

Joy Zedler
Professor Emerita, botany
Expert on wetland restoration and ecology, reestablishment of native plants, and the interaction of native and exotic species
Adrian Treves
Professor of environmental studies
Open Science, coexistence between people and wildlife worldwide, especially wolves, bears and big cats. Constitutional and public trust protections for the environment.

Timothy Van Deelen
Professor, Forest and Wildlife Ecology
Expert in conservation and management of large mammals and mammal communities in the Great Lakes region (e.g., deer, wolves and black bears).

John (Jack) Williams
Professor, geography
Expert on global warming and ecological responses to climate change, past and future

Anna Pidgeon
Professor, forest and wildlife ecology
Expert on avian ecology, conservation and Wisconsin wildlife

Richard Lindroth
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor Emeritus, Dept. Entomology
Expertise in ecological effects of climate change, insect pests of deciduous forests, general ecology, science denialism and science communication.
Paul Zedler
Professor, environmental studies
Pure and applied plant community and population ecology and related environmental topics

Randall Jackson
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Expert on community and ecosystem ecology in grasslands managed for grazing and/or prairie

Chris Kucharik
Professor, plant and agroecosystem sciences and Nelson Institute Center for Sustainability and the Global Environment
Expert on agroecosystems, agroclimatology, soil carbon sequestration, ecological modeling, water resources, climate change, and extreme weather

Carol Lee
Professor, Integrative Biology
Research focuses on evolutionary and physiological mechanisms that enable organisms to invade new environments or respond to climate change

David Mladenoff
Professor, conservation, forest and wildlife ecology
Ecology and sustainability of forests, effects of climate change, forest management and carbon sequestration

Philip Townsend
Associate professor, forest ecology
Expert on satellite remote sensing, forest ecosystem dynamics and watershed processes

Quentin Carpenter
Senior lecturer, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Expert in wetland flora and fauna

Ian Baird
Associate professor, geography
Expert on Laos, Thailand, Cambodia, Hmong, Southeast Asia, environmental policy, natural resource management, hydroelectric dams, land concessions, political ecology

Anna Gade
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Expert on Islam, religion and society, Southeast Asia, environmental ethics, and global environmental studies from cultural perspectives

Tom Givnish
Professor, botany
Expert on ecology, evolutionary biology, molecular systematics, speciation, conservation, and Wisconsin plant diversity