Michael Notaro
Expertise: regional climate modeling, climate education, Great Lakes climate change, land-atmosphere interactions, lake-effect snow, ecological impacts of climate change, dust storms
Director and Scientist III, Nelson Institute Center for Climatic Research Nelson Institute of Environmental Studies Work: 608-261-1503 mnotaro@wisc.edu Home page
- Climate education: K-12, youth citizen science, autism STEM education, GLOBE
- Regional climate modeling: focus on Great Lakes, lake-effect snow, lake-atmosphere interactions
- Land-atmosphere interactions: vegetation/soil-atmosphere feedbacks
- Wisconsin climate change projections
- Diversity-equity-inclusivity focus: summer STEM camp for autistic middle and high school students
- Generation and analysis of high resolution climate change projections for the Midwest and Great Lakes region, incorporating complex lake-atmosphere interactions
- Study of the mechanisms of climate variability related to ocean and land forcings, such as sub-Saharan African hydrological variability
- Modeling, observational analyses, projections, and data collection related to lake-effect snowstorms