Tag climate change/global warming
Diane Mayerfeld
Senior Outreach Specialist, Division of Extension, Agriculture Institute; Center for Integrated Agricultural Systems
Expert on sustainable agriculture

Paul Barford
Professor, Computer Sciences; director, Wisconsin Advanced Internet Laboratory
Expert on computer communication networks and the Internet including Internet structure, traffic characteristics, security.

Christopher Zahasky
Assistant Professor, Department of Geoscience
Expert in hydrogeology, energy resources, and challenges at the energy-water nexus

Corbett Grainger
Associate Professor, Ag & Applied Economics
Expert on environmental policy, natural resource policy, and income distribution.

Chris McCahill
Managing Director, State Smart Transportation Institute
Expert in transportation engineering and urban planning. Focused on sustainable practices and data-driven policies.

Max Besbris
Associate Professor of Sociology
Expert on how people make economic decisions and how economic decisions reproduce inequality.

Timothy Bertram
Professor, Chemistry; Affiliate Professor Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences; Environmental Chemistry and Technology
Expert in air quality, environmental chemistry, and chemical instrumentation

Nan Li
Assistant Professor, Life Sciences Communication
Expert on visual communications of science, environment and agriculture; public opinion; audience psychology

Line Roald
Assistant Professor
Expert on electric power systems, renewable energy, transmission and distribution grids and energy system analysis. Passionate about sustainability, climate change mitigation and adaptation.

Qunying Huang
Associate Professor, Geography
Expert on flood mapping, wildfire damage assessment, Human Mobility, Remote Sensing, Social Media Analytics, and GeoAI

James Kelleher
Associate Professor of Medical History & Bioethics; Associate Professor of Philosophy
Expert on the intersection between ethics and climate change economics, and on ethical issues in health policy.

Morgan Edwards
Assistant Professor, La Follette School of Public Affairs
Expert on climate policy, fossil fuel phaseout, and state and local climate solutions

Andrea Dutton
Professor of Geoscience
Expert on sea-level rise; Earth's past history of climate and sea level

Andrea Strzelec, Ph.D., FSAE
Associate Scientist, Engine Research Center, Dept of Mechanical Engineering
Recognized for distinguished SAE leadership and impact in advancing the understanding of fuel effects on combustion, particulates, and emissions controls

Grace Wilkinson
Assistant Professor, Center for Limnology, Integrative Biology
Expert on lakes and reservoirs with a focus on water quality, algal blooms, ecosystem resilience, and how lakes are linked to the surrounding landscape

Haoran Wei
Assistant Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering
I am working at the interface between sensors and emerging environmental pollutants.

Kaiping Chen
Assistant Professor/Life Sciences Communication
Expert on science and environment communication, social media research, civic engagement, and data science.

Mark Anderson
Associate Professor
Expert on advanced sustainable thermal energy production and utilization

Zach Feiner
Research scientist, Center for Limnology
Expert on fish and fisheries, aquatic ecology, and climate change impacts on Wisconsin waters

Elizabeth Maroon
Assistant Professor, Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences
Expert on the ocean's role in climate variability, change, and prediction