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Qunying Huang

Qunying Huang

Expert on flood mapping, wildfire damage assessment, Human Mobility, Remote Sensing, Social Media Analytics, and GeoAI

Associate Professor, Geography College of Letters and Science Work: 608-890-4946 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page Twitter: @Qunying Huang


  • Disaster mapping and damage impact assessment by fusing remote sensing imagery, social media data streams, computer vision, and machine learning technologies
  • Situational awareness establishment and information extraction based on the social media analytics
  • Trajectory data mining for human activity space and mobility pattern analytics


  • Book: Spatial Cloud Computing: A Practical Approach, CRC Press/Taylor & Francis, 304p. ISBN: 978-1466593169.
  • Article: "Geographic Situational Awareness: Mining Tweets for Disaster Preparedness, Emergency Response, Impact, and Recovery"
  • Article: "Activity Patterns, Socioeconomic Status and Urban Spatial Structure: What Can Social Media Data Tell Us?"
  • Next Generation of Hazards & Disasters Researchers (2014), and CyberGIS Fellow (2014)
