Max Besbris
Expert on how people make economic decisions and how economic decisions reproduce inequality.
Associate Professor of Sociology College of Letters and Science — Home and cell phones available upon request besbris@wisc.edu Home page
- I have published widely on how real estate agents affect homeseekers' decisions and prices in the housing market
- I have published multiple experiments on discrimination in markets. Buyers and sellers prefer transactional partners from more advantaged neighborhoods.
- How are journalism schools adapting to the changes in the journalism labor market? They are teaching students to prepare for precarious jobs
- As climate-related disasters increase in scope and intensity, how will people whose homes are affected decide to move or stay?
- My book, Upsold, has been covered by major news outlets and invited for author-meets-critics panels at professional conferences.
- I have won multiple awards from professional organizations for my published journal articles.
- My research has received funding from the National Science Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation