Scott Sanford
Expert on energy conservation for agricultural enterprises, renewable energy, biomass energy
Senior outreach specialist, biological systems engineering College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Work: 608-262-5062 sasanford@wisc.edu Home page
- Energy conservation for dairy farms, irrigation, greenhouses, grain drying, potato/onion storage, lighting, ventilation, maple syrup production
- Renewable energy education: wind, solar photovoltaic, solar water heating, biomass combustion, biogas
- Energy audit tools for energy conservation and renewable energy estimation
- Irrigation water management, soil moisture sensing, irrigation system uniformity testing
- Rural Electricity Resource Council Electric Technology Award, for leadership in the development and implementation of energy efficient technologies for agriculture, 2009
- Author of many extension publications on energy conservation for agriculture: http://learningstore.uwex.edu/Energy-Conservation-C29.aspx