Tag arts/humanities

Jeff Kirsch
Faculty associate, liberal studies and the arts
Expert on Spanish for reading knowledge and Spanish to English translation

Charo D'Etcheverry
Professor, Asian Languages & Cultures; faculty director, Nihongo Hausu (Japanese language floor)
Specialist in pre-modern Japanese literature and culture

Charles Read
Dean emeritus, education; professor emeritus, linguistics
Linguistics: development of spelling and reading

Ronald Troxel
Distinguished lecturer, Hebrew and Semitic studies, religious studies
Expert on ancient Israel, Greco-Roman-era Judaism, early Christianity

Beverly Taylor
Professor, music; director of choral activities
Expert on choral and choral-orchestral music and musical setting of texts and on classical music in general

Brenda Plummer
Professor, history, Afro-American studies
Expert on African American history, Caribbean history, race and international affairs

Daniel Hausman
Professor, philosophy, medical history and bioethics
Works on issues at the boundaries between philosophy and economics: causation, rationality, ethics, methodology

Jane Hutchison
Professor emerita, art history
Expert on Dutch and German painting and graphic art of the 15th through 17th centuries; history of museums and collecting.

Julia Murray
Professor emerita, art history, E. Asian studies, & religious studies
Scholar of Chinese pictorial art in historical & cultural contexts, particularly as related to Confucian ideology

Shawn Peters
Lecturer, Center for Educational Opportunity
Expertise in religion and law (First Amendment), Catholicism, marginal religions, homeschooling, pedagogical innovation.

Severino Albuquerque
Professor, Portuguese; director, Brazil Initiative
Expert on Brazilian literature and culture

Robert Howard
Director, Digital Studies Initiative; associate director, Folklore Program; associate professor of communication
Expert on Internet communication and contemporary religious belief

Anna Gade
Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor, Nelson Institute for Environmental Studies
Expert on Islam, religion and society, Southeast Asia, environmental ethics, and global environmental studies from cultural perspectives

Sarah Clayton
Professor, Anthropology
Archaeologist specializing in everyday life in early cities; migration; rural-urban interaction; community formation and persistence. Director of the Chicoloapan Viejo Archaeology Project in central Mexico.

Sage Goellner
Associate Professor, Department of Liberal Arts and Applied Studies
French literature; adult language learning

James Brown
Assistant professor of English
Research covers rhetoric and digital culture, Wikipedia, networked software, blogging and wikis

Heather Willis Allen
Assistant professor, French and second language acquisition
Expert in second language learning and teaching

Matthew Bakkom
Assistant professor, photography and art
Internationally established contemporary artist with special interests in material cultural, political expression and aesthetic psychology.

Daniel Grabois
Assistant professor of horn, school of music
Expert on contemporary music, brass playing, French horn.

Derek Johnson
Assistant professor, communication arts
Expert on media industries, creative collaboration, and the production of popular culture