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Severino Albuquerque

Severino Albuquerque

Expert on Brazilian literature and culture

Professor, Portuguese; director, Brazil Initiative College of Letters and Science Work: 608-262-2093 Home page


  • Contemporary Brazilian theater, fiction and poetry
  • History of Brazilian drama
  • Representations of AIDS in Brazilian art


  • Member, Latin American Studies Association, Modern Language Association, Brazilian Studies Association, American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese Member, American Portuguese Studies Association
  • Author, "Tentative Transgressions: Homosexuality, AIDS and the Theater in Brazil" (UW Press, 2004) and "Violent Acts: Contemporary Latin American Theater" (Wayne State UP, 1991)
  • UW-Madison Chancellor's Distinguished Teaching Award, 2002
  • Winner, 2005 Roberto Reis Award of the Brazilian Studies Association for best book on Brazil published in 2003-05 (for "Tentative Transgressions")
  • Winner, 2008 Elizabeth Steinberg Award of the UW Press for best book published by the Press in 2003-08 (for "Tentative Transgressions")
  • Co-editor, Luso-Brazilian Review
  • Editor, "Conferencias sobre Joaquim Nabuco", Vol. 2 ("Nabuco e Wisconsin"). Rio de Janeiro: Bem-te-vi Publishers, 2010
