Jonathan Kenoyer
Indus civilization, archaeology/anthropology of South Asia (India, Pakistan, etc), ancient technology and trade, kendo, martial arts, gender, GLBT
Professor, anthropology; director, Center for South Asia College of Letters and Science Work: 608-262-5696 — Home and cell phones available upon request jkenoyer@wisc.edu Home page
- Indus civilization, ancient technology, trade, writing, religion and political systems
- Teaches Kendo, an introduction to Japanese martial and liberal arts; studies Japanese culture and society, technologies and art
- Studies aspects of gender in prehistory and the modern day, male, female, homosexual/transgender issues in world cultures, modern GLBT issues
- Field director, Harappa Archaeological Research Project in Pakistan, also involved in research on the Indus civilization in India
- Author, "The Ancient South Asian World"; "Ancient Cities of the Indus Valley Civilization"