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Tag archaeology/archeology

Jonathan Kenoyer

Jonathan Kenoyer

Professor, anthropology; director, Center for South Asia

Indus civilization, archaeology/anthropology of South Asia (India, Pakistan, etc), ancient technology and trade, kendo, martial arts, gender, GLBT

William Aylward

William Aylward

Professor, Classical & Ancient Near Eastern Studies

Expert on classical archaeology, ancient Greek and Roman civilization, and Troy and the Trojan War

T. Douglas Price

T. Douglas Price

Professor emeritus, anthropology

Expert on archaeology, European prehistory, archaeological chemistry, hunter-gatherers, migration, origins of agriculture, sociocultural complexity

Julia Murray

Julia Murray

Professor emerita, art history, E. Asian studies, & religious studies

Scholar of Chinese pictorial art in historical & cultural contexts, particularly as related to Confucian ideology

Nam Kim

Nam Kim

Professor, Anthropology

Origins of war, ancient urbanism/civilizations, early Vietnam

Sarah Clayton

Sarah Clayton

Professor, Anthropology

Archaeologist specializing in everyday life in early cities; migration; rural-urban interaction; community formation and persistence. Director of the Chicoloapan Viejo Archaeology Project in central Mexico.