Dan Olszewski
Expert in entrepreneurship, innovation, venture capital, private equity, strategy, startups and mergers and acquisitions
Director, Weinert Center for Entrepreneurship Wisconsin School of Business Work: 608-265-3959 — Home and cell phones available upon request dolszewski@bus.wisc.edu Home page
- Entrepreneurship, small business and startups
- Business strategy and mergers and acquisitions
- Venture capital, private equity, LBO (leveraged buyouts) and MBO (management buyouts)
- Innovation and new product failure
- Governance roles for board of directors
- Medal, Model MBA Entrepreneurship Program, United States Association for Small Business and Entrepreneurship, 2009
- Co-founder, Wisconsin Entrepreneurial Bootcamp, which trains UW-Madison science and engineering graduate students in entrepreneurship
- CEO of firms that won the Wisconsin Manufacturer of the Year Award-Sustainability in 2001, and Minnesota Governor's International Trade Award in 2005
- Former CEO and McKinsey consultant