Dan Undersander
Expert on forage production, grazing, and hay, haylage, and silage making
Professor emeritus, plant and agroecosystem sciences College of Agricultural and Life Sciences Work: 608-263-5070 — Home and cell phones available upon request djunders@wisc.edu Home page
- Production and growth of grasses, clovers and alfalfa. All factors affecting plant health and survival.
- Optimum management practices for intensively grazed pastures considering forage, yield, quality, and effect on wildlife.
- Forage quality and utilization by cattle, sheep, goats, horses, deer, bison, alpacas and other forage consuming animals.
- Silage making and feeding of grass, alfalfa, and corn silage.
- Forage use for soil and water conservation.
- Internationally recognized information source on forage production, frequently invited guest speaker.
- More than 1,200 publications in area of forage production and utilization.
- Development of Relative Forage Quality, commonly used to market hay based on forage quality.