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Dorothy Farrar-Edwards

Expert on assessment of function and cognition in persons with stroke and Alzheimer's disease, health equity, recruitment and retention of minority individuals underrepresented in research

Professor, Kinesiology, Occupational Therapy, Geriatric Medicine, School of Education School of Medicine and Public Health Work: 608-262-7421 — Home and cell phones available upon request Home page


  • Effects of cognitive impairment on functional independence and quality of life after stroke
  • Health disparities in diagnosis and treatment for Alzheimer's disease
  • Disparities in stroke risk and recovery in African Americans
  • Recruitment and retention of underrepresented minorities in biomedical research
  • Outreach, education and recruitment for precision medicine research


  • Principle Investigator - NIH Wisconsin Consortium- UW All of US Precision Medicine Program- national program recruiting 1,000,000 US residents to advance Precision Medicine Research
  • Core Leader Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center Outreach Recruitment and Engagement Core
  • Faculty Director; UW SMPH Collaborative Center for Health Equity
  • PI Wisconsin Alzheimer's Disease Research Center E-Consent Study
