Tag African-American

Stephen Kantrowitz
Professor, history; affiliated faculty, American Indian Studies
Expert on 19th-century U.S. politics, slavery, reconstruction and white supremacy

James Danky
Faculty associate, journalism and mass communication
Expert on alternative press in America, comics and the African American press. Founded and directed the Print Culture Center

Dorothy Farrar-Edwards
Professor, Kinesiology, Occupational Therapy, Geriatric Medicine,
Expert on assessment of function and cognition in persons with stroke and Alzheimer's disease, health equity, recruitment and retention of minority individuals underrepresented in research

Clifton Conrad
Professor emeritus, educational leadership and policy analysis
Higher education expert on equal educational opportunity and curriculum (student learning) at both the undergraduate and graduate levels

Pamela Oliver
Professor Emerita of Sociology
Expert on collective action, social movements, news coverage of protests, and racial disparities in criminal justice